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Household Info

Which county do you reside in?
Your ZIP code and county determine which plans are available.
Unsure about your county ? Check here.

We ask for this because healthcare usage differs by sex. We use a government data set which only captures the binary options of male and female to help determine cost estimates for your plan.
Select this if you’ve used tobacco 4 or more times per week for the past 6 months. You may pay more for insurance but, if you don’t report that you’re a tobacco user, and then you get a tobacco-related illness, you can be denied coverage. This does not apply to CA.
If you’re pregnant, you can’t be denied coverage. You’ll also see pregnancy-related services on every plan. And you may even qualify for additional financial assistance. This is all thanks to laws created by the Affordable Care Act.
Selecting this option means you won’t be eligible for savings. If your job offers health insurance that costs more than 8.39% of your pre-tax household income to insure either you or the family, you may be eligible to receive financial help on an Individual and Family health plan.
If you have breast or cervical cancer and your income is less than 250% of the national poverty level, you qualify for Medicaid. This rule only applies to head of household.